Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Re: [#124766309] YouTube Support
You have done NOTHING to correct this problem. I will cut to the chase. The truth is that my blog exposes the truth about the tyranny of the New World Order. As Google owns YouTube and censors and propagandizes the internet, YouTube complies with Google's censorship.
I await your response.
I await your response.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
YooHoo to YouTube III-a
Re: [#124766309] YouTube Support
Thank you for contacting YouTube!
This is just an automated message to let you know that we have received
your email. We appreciate your bringing this to our attention, and
investigate. We'll follow up with you only if we require more
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The YouTube Team
Original Message Follows:
From: citizenquasar
Subject: YouTube Support
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 09:57:52 -0700
I Posted several videos to my blog at
It has been three days and they have not posted yet. Please correct
for me.
Thank you for contacting YouTube!
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your email. We appreciate your bringing this to our attention, and
investigate. We'll follow up with you only if we require more
or have additional information to share.
The YouTube Team
Original Message Follows:
From: citizenquasar
Subject: YouTube Support
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2007 09:57:52 -0700
I Posted several videos to my blog at
It has been three days and they have not posted yet. Please correct
for me.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Martial Law Imposed In China's Yongzhou, Hunan Province
Epoch Times | March 15, 2007
Li Xi
CHINA—The riot in Zhushan, Yongzhou has been quelled by the police, but the whole city remains under martial law. Since the afternoon of March 13, road traffic has partially resumed for restricted time periods, but public transport service has not been permitted yet.
According to a local resident, authorities have stationed over 2,000 armed police in the town.
On March 13, police vehicles patrolled the city and broadcast messages requesting the residents to keep calm and not to listen to "rumors." They claimed that the police had been restrained and would not harm civilians.
Responding to the messages broadcast from the police vehicle, a local resident said, "It's a lie! I saw the police beating civilians. Some even targeted pedestrians; passengers on motorcycles were beaten as well. At least 50 people were injured from the beatings."
Over the last two days, many international media have arrived at the scene. Major television stations including several from Hong Kong, Japan, England, etc. have been reporting on the event as their top story.
After the incident, Pan-Blue Coalition member Zhang Zilin—who had been monitoring the development of the protests—left Yongzhou in the afternoon of March 13. He said that the Security Department had summoned him because he reported this incident to the international media and the authorities had issued strict orders prohibiting media reports.
Local residents believe that corruption in the government has directly caused the increase in bus fares. Because the National People's Congress is currently being held in Beijing, people are angered by the arrogance of the local authorities who dared to create trouble during this "sensitive period."
According to local residents, the public transport service between Zhushan, Daqingping, etc. to Yongzhou were taken over and brought under the control of Anda Bus Company, the only allowed bus operator in the region. Passengers were dissatisfied with the company's service. After the New Year, students returning to school were charged extra for their luggage and medium-sized buses were not permitted to take students. This increase in bus fares finally triggered long accumulated public resentment and the demonstration turned into a riot. The actual numbers participating in the riot could possibly exceed 20,000.
Human Rights in China spokesman Feng Congde commented that the Yongzhou incident and the recent large scale conflicts between the police and the public reflects the huge gap between the true situation and the image of a harmonious society that the Chinese regime has endeavored to build.
Li Xi
CHINA—The riot in Zhushan, Yongzhou has been quelled by the police, but the whole city remains under martial law. Since the afternoon of March 13, road traffic has partially resumed for restricted time periods, but public transport service has not been permitted yet.
According to a local resident, authorities have stationed over 2,000 armed police in the town.
On March 13, police vehicles patrolled the city and broadcast messages requesting the residents to keep calm and not to listen to "rumors." They claimed that the police had been restrained and would not harm civilians.
Responding to the messages broadcast from the police vehicle, a local resident said, "It's a lie! I saw the police beating civilians. Some even targeted pedestrians; passengers on motorcycles were beaten as well. At least 50 people were injured from the beatings."
Over the last two days, many international media have arrived at the scene. Major television stations including several from Hong Kong, Japan, England, etc. have been reporting on the event as their top story.
After the incident, Pan-Blue Coalition member Zhang Zilin—who had been monitoring the development of the protests—left Yongzhou in the afternoon of March 13. He said that the Security Department had summoned him because he reported this incident to the international media and the authorities had issued strict orders prohibiting media reports.
Local residents believe that corruption in the government has directly caused the increase in bus fares. Because the National People's Congress is currently being held in Beijing, people are angered by the arrogance of the local authorities who dared to create trouble during this "sensitive period."
According to local residents, the public transport service between Zhushan, Daqingping, etc. to Yongzhou were taken over and brought under the control of Anda Bus Company, the only allowed bus operator in the region. Passengers were dissatisfied with the company's service. After the New Year, students returning to school were charged extra for their luggage and medium-sized buses were not permitted to take students. This increase in bus fares finally triggered long accumulated public resentment and the demonstration turned into a riot. The actual numbers participating in the riot could possibly exceed 20,000.
Human Rights in China spokesman Feng Congde commented that the Yongzhou incident and the recent large scale conflicts between the police and the public reflects the huge gap between the true situation and the image of a harmonious society that the Chinese regime has endeavored to build.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Proof of Concept

This device, just under an inch long, is designed to be inserted into the body through a small incision.
Once inside, doctors can control its movements and direct it to areas where investigations are needed.
It would be able to capture images through a tiny camera placed in its "head" - and could deliver drugs through a special injecting device.
Early versions have also included tiny forceps for taking tissue samples. In the future these nippers could be used to snip out cancerous cells.
While this device is too large for use in blood vessels, it demonstrates proof-of-concept for smaller, radio-controlled nano-devices. All that is necessary is to reduce this design by a factor of a hundred.
I predict that this will be done sooner, rather than later.
Read original article HERE.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Quote of the Day IV
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
- John Stuart Mill, English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)
- John Stuart Mill, English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)
20,000 Riot in Communist China
Around 20,000 Chinese farmers and laid-off workers have rioted in central China.
Efforts to reduce inequality and sources of discontent have been a theme of government efforts to improve the livelihoods of its 750 million farmers
Nine police cars were burnt during the riot in the central province of Hunan.
The protesters clashed with about 1,000 police armed with guns and electric cattle prods, a local official said.
"They did it because they were not satisfied with some government behaviour," the official from the Hunan city of Yongzhou said.
"They were also unhappy about official corruption."
The overseas human rights website Boxun said the riot was sparked by dissatisfaction with rising public transport costs. The site, which is critical of China, is blocked on the mainland.
The Hunan official said the riot had been quelled and that scores of the rioters were arrested.
Both police and rioters were injured in the violence, and some of the rioters were sent to hospital, but none was seriously hurt, the official added.
A widening gap between rich and poor, corruption and official abuses of power have fuelled a growing number of demonstrations and riots around China, often sparked by seemingly minor issues.
The government has said the number of "mass incidents" in the country - a term that includes protests, petitions and demonstrations - was about 23,000 last year.
Buy guns. Do NOT register them. Keep your powder dry.
Efforts to reduce inequality and sources of discontent have been a theme of government efforts to improve the livelihoods of its 750 million farmers
Nine police cars were burnt during the riot in the central province of Hunan.
The protesters clashed with about 1,000 police armed with guns and electric cattle prods, a local official said.
"They did it because they were not satisfied with some government behaviour," the official from the Hunan city of Yongzhou said.
"They were also unhappy about official corruption."
The overseas human rights website Boxun said the riot was sparked by dissatisfaction with rising public transport costs. The site, which is critical of China, is blocked on the mainland.
The Hunan official said the riot had been quelled and that scores of the rioters were arrested.
Both police and rioters were injured in the violence, and some of the rioters were sent to hospital, but none was seriously hurt, the official added.
A widening gap between rich and poor, corruption and official abuses of power have fuelled a growing number of demonstrations and riots around China, often sparked by seemingly minor issues.
The government has said the number of "mass incidents" in the country - a term that includes protests, petitions and demonstrations - was about 23,000 last year.
Buy guns. Do NOT register them. Keep your powder dry.
Newly Unearthed Footage Exposes 9/11 Media Scripting
Yet more archive news footage unearthed from broadcasts on 9/11 offers further evidence that the media were being fed a script in which a cover story was quickly groomed to offset questions about the highly suspicious collapse of the twin towers.
Two weeks ago we highlighted BBC World footage from September 11 in which a correspondent reports the collapse of Building 7 as it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. New footage unearthed from Britain's Channel 5 news coverage provokes more questions about 9/11 scripting in a similar vein.
"Sections of the other tower are also crumbling - now the reason this is happening, according to the website for the World Trade Center, they're actually telling us that the structure, the outside cladding of this building is integral to the safety and security of it," states the news anchor following the collapse of the south tower.
"Once you penetrate that apparently the very structure of the building is under threat and that's why one tower has already collapsed."
The suspicious rapidity of the instant press release aside, why did the World Trade Center's website carry such a blatantly fallacious explanation for the collapse of the first tower? Even the layman knows that any modern building is anchored by core columns, not "outside cladding," and the twin towers were no different . To rest a building's integrity on its "outside cladding" is a reversal of all commonly accepted architectural knowledge. Why was the World Trade Center website peddling this nonsense in contradiction with the words of the twin tower's own designers ?
Complete HERE.
Two weeks ago we highlighted BBC World footage from September 11 in which a correspondent reports the collapse of Building 7 as it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. New footage unearthed from Britain's Channel 5 news coverage provokes more questions about 9/11 scripting in a similar vein.
"Sections of the other tower are also crumbling - now the reason this is happening, according to the website for the World Trade Center, they're actually telling us that the structure, the outside cladding of this building is integral to the safety and security of it," states the news anchor following the collapse of the south tower.
"Once you penetrate that apparently the very structure of the building is under threat and that's why one tower has already collapsed."
The suspicious rapidity of the instant press release aside, why did the World Trade Center's website carry such a blatantly fallacious explanation for the collapse of the first tower? Even the layman knows that any modern building is anchored by core columns, not "outside cladding," and the twin towers were no different . To rest a building's integrity on its "outside cladding" is a reversal of all commonly accepted architectural knowledge. Why was the World Trade Center website peddling this nonsense in contradiction with the words of the twin tower's own designers ?
Complete HERE.
Yet more archive news footage unearthed from broadcasts on 9/11 offers further evidence that the media were being fed a script in which a cover story was quickly groomed to offset questions about the highly suspicious collapse of the twin towers.
Two weeks ago we highlighted BBC World footage from September 11 in which a correspondent reports the collapse of Building 7 as it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. New footage unearthed from Britain's Channel 5 news coverage provokes more questions about 9/11 scripting in a similar vein.
"Sections of the other tower are also crumbling - now the reason this is happening, according to the website for the World Trade Center, they're actually telling us that the structure, the outside cladding of this building is integral to the safety and security of it," states the news anchor following the collapse of the south tower.
"Once you penetrate that apparently the very structure of the building is under threat and that's why one tower has already collapsed."
The suspicious rapidity of the instant press release aside, why did the World Trade Center's website carry such a blatantly fallacious explanation for the collapse of the first tower? Even the layman knows that any modern building is anchored by core columns, not "outside cladding," and the twin towers were no different . To rest a building's integrity on its "outside cladding" is a reversal of all commonly accepted architectural knowledge. Why was the World Trade Center website peddling this nonsense in contradiction with the words of the twin tower's own designers ?
Two weeks ago we highlighted BBC World footage from September 11 in which a correspondent reports the collapse of Building 7 as it remains standing in the live shot behind her head. New footage unearthed from Britain's Channel 5 news coverage provokes more questions about 9/11 scripting in a similar vein.
"Sections of the other tower are also crumbling - now the reason this is happening, according to the website for the World Trade Center, they're actually telling us that the structure, the outside cladding of this building is integral to the safety and security of it," states the news anchor following the collapse of the south tower.
"Once you penetrate that apparently the very structure of the building is under threat and that's why one tower has already collapsed."
The suspicious rapidity of the instant press release aside, why did the World Trade Center's website carry such a blatantly fallacious explanation for the collapse of the first tower? Even the layman knows that any modern building is anchored by core columns, not "outside cladding," and the twin towers were no different . To rest a building's integrity on its "outside cladding" is a reversal of all commonly accepted architectural knowledge. Why was the World Trade Center website peddling this nonsense in contradiction with the words of the twin tower's own designers ?